Yesterday I celebrated my 4 year anniversary. I can't believe it's only been 4 years. It seems like a life time since I fell in love with my sweetheart. We have shared so many wonderful memories. We have a beautiful baby girl and we just recently bought our first house. We have grown so much these past years. Especially me. I was so immature when I got m
arried. But Rhondale has been so patient with me. He is a wonderful man, and I admire him so much for his faithfulness to me and to God. I look
forward to soooooo many more years of marriage, and I pray that God would continue to make me a help meet for him.
Happy Anniversary. It was so good talking to you!!I hope ya'll can come for Christmas that would be terrific. God Bless you and I'll talk to ya soon. I'll be looking for pics of Janelle and the beautiful new home the Lord gave you.