Thursday, November 12, 2009


We had some friends over for a housewarming on Oct 26, 2009. Our Pastor came and had a very special dedication ceremony and blessing of the house. We want our home to be use by God to raise Godly seed, win the lost, care for the broken, and to be a place of refuge from the world.
Unless the Lord builds the house
they labor in vain that build it.
Psalm 127:1 Our Pastor in the living room.

Dave made his famous wings. Hanging in the dining room.

The guys in the back yard with Dakota.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Apple Picking

We went apple picking with Marissa and her sister Joanna at a local orchard. It was a bit chilly but we had a good time. It was the last day of the season to pick apples, and we
made it just in time. They close at 6 and we got there at 5:55.
Afterwards we went to their farm store and got an apple cider doughnut and some of their delicious mulled cider. Janelle had fun holding the apples and also learning the sign for apple. We watched the sun set on the first day of day light savings time at around 6:15, and I took a picture of the full moon. Looking forward to going back in the spring for blueberries and strawberries. It was a beautiful day.