Monday, July 26, 2010

Letter Of The Week

I finally started Janelle on the Letter of the Week curriculum. I've been trying to get organized for about 3 months and realized that if I just didn't start with what I had, I never would. So the first week I only did the theme which happened to be "cows". I got several books from the library about cows and some story books as well. It was great. We learned so much about cows and she still remembers all of it. For example, a baby cow is called a calf, a male cow is a bull, and the names of some body parts ie, teats and udder. I found a picture on Google images of a cow and calf and posted the on her learning board. I'll have to post a picture of it.
The next week our theme was "Jungle" and I think she enjoyed that more than the cows. Also this week I added the letter to the board that we studied all week. Each week I added another component of the curriculum until I had the theme, letter, shape/color, number and this week I'm adding the nursery rhyme. I realized that it didn't have to be perfect for me to start, and that something was better than nothing. I'll keep you updated with our progress and fun. I love this job.

Watering Petunias

Here's Janelle at 17 months watering petunias I planted out front.