Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring has sprung

Janelle and I have had lots of fun the past few days out in the sunshine. We've gone on several nature walks and have learned about trees, flowers, grass, rabbits, squirrels and colors. We sat in the grass and felt how itchy it makes you feel, and we got to smell different types of flowers. We especially liked the dandelions because they were everywhere. We heard the bees buzzing, the birds singing, and the lawnmowers. She really enjoyed touching the leaves on the trees, (although she did try to eat them). As an added bonus she was ready for nap time after each of our expeditions. :) But best of all, I had the pleasure of teaching her that God created all of these things for His pleasure. Rev 4:11 says Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Next time we'll take the camera to document our findings.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Learning Mandarin

pronunciation: yieh su
This is the formal translation for Jesus
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mocha Moments

Motherhood. What comes to mind when you here this word. Is it a picture of a woman bound many years of her life caring for children who are oblivious to her sacrifice of time, energy and emotion? Or is it demonstrated by the woman with the impeccably clean home and children with perfect manners who would impress the toughest of Marine Drill Sargents with their disciplined behavior? While I do think we should keep our homes clean and teach our children good manners, I don't think that these things epitomise Motherhood. Motherhood carries with it something deeper than just "taking care of children". It implies a sense of obligation, not only to God, but to the child(ren) as well. We are obligated as mothers to raise our children in such a way that when they are old they will not depart from it. I think this type of raising requires more of us than just taking them to church and teaching them some Bible stories. I think we have to be, and when I say be I mean live, the way we want them to go. Jesus demonstrated this when He told His disciples, "I am the way...." (John 14:6). Mothers are one of the first Bibles children will ever read. What "words" are they reading? I am realizing more everyday how much being a mother requires of me, and how short I fall. But His grace is sufficient for me, and His strength is made perfect in my weakness. The greater thing is to know that children are invaluable, and that there are few greater undertakings then to train a child. I believe that God will honor my attitude, and give me the light I need for this awesome journey. For His Glory Alone. Take some sips with me and share your thoughts.

Learning French

I thought that I would post what we're learning in French. Maybe it will help me remember what I've learned.

Hello = Salut
Goodbye = Au revoir
Good Morning = Bon jour
Good Evening = Bon soir
Yes- Oui "wee"
No- Non
I love you - Je Taime
My name is Deborah - Je m'appelle Deborah
That's all for now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boat Orchid

The flower of a Cymbidium Clarisse Austin 'Best Pink' cultivar of boat orchid, one of the most popular and desirable orchids in the world.

I thought this was so pretty. I just wanted to share it.
What an awesome God we serve.

New Pictures

I can't believe she's already 5 months old.

Good Find

I found this rocking chair at Goodwill for $2.99.
I'm going to reupholster it (one day).

Janelle really likes it.

Friday, April 10, 2009

How to set a table

I decided to keep some of Janelle's Hope Chest items here on my blog so that as she grows I can check to make sure I'm teaching her the things she ought to know. Also it won't be a collection of papers that I'll end up moving around and loosing. And here I'll always be able to find what I'm looking for.
One of the things I think she should know is how to set a proper place setting. I'm 28 and I'm still not sure which side of the plate to put the fork on. So I found some instructions on I'll have to have a little dinner party so that we can practice.

Step 1 Dinner plates are placed directly in front of the seat, about two inches from the table's edge.
Step 2 Salad plates are placed to the left, above the fork.
Step 3 Bread plates vary. If there is a salad course, they are placed on the right, above the knife (to the left of the glassware), higher than the salad plate. If there is no salad course, the bread plate goes to the left above the fork.
Step 4 If serving a soup course, the soup bowl is placed directly on top of the dinner plate.
Step 5 Clear dishes after each appropriate course. If several dinner courses are served, replace dinner plates as necessary.

Step 1 For a formal place setting only the appropriate silverware should be used, never any excess. Utensils are lined up about 1/2 of an inch away from the plate and lined up evenly at the bottom.
Step 2 Forks are placed on the left side of the plate. Knives (with the cutting edge facing inward) and spoons to the right of the plate. Butter knives are placed directly on top of the bread plate.
Step 3 Silverware should be placed on the table in the order it will be used, so the furthest from the plate will be used first. For example, salad forks are placed on the outside of the dinner forks.
Step 4 Dessert silverware is placed sideways about 1/2 of an inch above the plate, toward the center of the table. The spoon is placed first, closer to the plate with the spoon-end on the left. The fork is placed above the spoon, facing in the opposite direction with the fork-end to the right--so that if the guest were to pull the handles of the silverware down around the plate upon dessert service, the fork would still be on the left and the spoon on the right.

Step 1 Water glasses should be placed on the right, directly above the knife.
Step 2 Wine glasses (and any additional beverage glasses) are placed to the right of the water glass.
Step 3 Coffee cups and saucers are placed on the table to the right of the knife and spoon.

About Table Settings

Elaborate rules of etiquette govern formal table settings. Most people do not know these rules anymore. Some people may never attend a function with a formal table setting, but if you collect china you will be interested to know how all the pieces of antique china were used.If you do plan to attend a formal dinner, use this primer as a way to learn (or brush up on) your formal table etiquette.

The most important rule that governs a formal table setting is to place everything so that the whole effect is visually pleasing. The formality signifies a certain gentility and civility but has a functional purpose, too. Setting formal place settings allows guests and their host to enjoy the meal and appreciate its complexity.Formal dining etiquette dictates that the spaces between place settings are even and about two feet apart to allow both for room and for pleasant conversation between the guests. According to Emily Post, the centerpiece has to be in the exact middle of the table. The middle crease of the tablecloth should line up with the center of the table and be perfectly straight. The formal table should be lit with candles.

The Facts
The forks go to the left of the place with the salad fork placed closest to the plate. Next, the meat fork and the fish fork. The order of the utensils can be deduced if you know the order in which they will be used. The utensils closest to the plate are for the first course. The ones furthest from the plate are for the last course. The knives go to the right of the plate with the meat knife nearest the plate and the fish knife next to it. To the right of the knives are the spoons, beginning with the soup spoon. Dessert utensils are not placed on the table until the dessert is served.

There are several different kinds of glasses set on a formal table. Water glasses belong above and slightly to the right of the knives. The wine glasses go to the right of the water glass. The bread plate sits above the forks parallel to the glasses. A butter knife sits on top of the bread plate with its handle parallel to the edge of the table facing to the right.Several other items complete the table setting. A place card goes above the plate on the tablecloth to tell each guest where to sit. Cloth napkins, neatly folded in squares, sit in the middle of the plates. A set of salt and pepper shakers are placed on a formal table for every two guests.

There used to be a proper division of labor for who should serve which food. If a husband and wife were the hosts, the man served the meat and vegetables while the woman served the other courses. Everything from the main savory part of the meal had to be cleared off the table before the dessert would be served. The very last thing served was the coffee. Very fancy meals ended with finger bowls filled with water to get any food residue off of the guests' fingers.

Knowing the geography of a formally set table is not only important when you are the host of a fancy event. It is also key to participating as a guest at this kind of meal. Now you can attend without wondering which fork to use for your salad. It should allow you to enjoy your evening savoring the good conversation and the excellent food.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Auntie Marissa Comes For Lunch

Marissa came over for lunch today. We call her Auntie because her and her husband Dave are Janelle's Godparents. It is such a blessing to have such good, Godly friends. We had a great time of fellowship and food. Marissa made these awesome sandwiches, brought some chips and these cute little apricot drinks and I provided some fruit. These sandwiches were so good I decided to post the recipe so you can try them on your own. The make up is as follows:
Pumpernickel bread
Herbed Mayo
Cucumber sliced very thin
sliced turkey breast
Water Crest

That's it. Put it all together and you have one of the best sandwiches you will ever eat. After lunch we compared my baby pictures with Janelle. She looks like me in some but not all of the pictures. Rhondale is still winning in the "who does Janelle look like" contest. But that's fine with me. I happen to think Rhondale is rather cute. After that we went for a walk in the park. It was very nice out today. Sunny and 60. Janelle had a good time as Marissa and I took turns carry her. She is definitely getting heavy. We came back to the house and Auntie said good-bye. We'll see her tomorrow at church for Good Friday service. But what a great day.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Early Learning At Home

I found this site with lots of info, tips, and activities for young children and babies. This mom is pretty organized and has lots of creative ideas for teaching little ones at home. I was at Dollar Tree the other day just getting ideas for some of the projects I could do with Janelle.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Planting Zinnias

I planted some Zinnias to put in Janelle's room in front of the window. I though it would be nice for her to have something living in her room. Not only are they beautiful flowers, they will provide many teaching opportunities like how God created them, gratitude and appreciation for the beautiful things He created, responsibility (watering and caring), science (how flowers grow), and since I got an assorted package they can help with teaching colors. They also produce oxygen to help keep the air clean and fresh. I bought a package of seeds from Wal-mart for $.99, and I planted them in a gallon water bottle that I cut in half. After they sprout I will transfer them to pots. I found this picture online to show what they look like. I hope mine turn out this beautiful.

A Hope Chest

Here is a post I found on making/building a hope chest. It is something I would like to do with Janelle.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Here are some recent pictures.

Sitting up at 3 months

Her Baby dedication at church

Playing with her favorite toy