My name is Deborah Haywood. I'm 28 years old and I live in Central New Jersey with my husband of 3 years Rhondale, our new baby girl Janelle and our Brindle Boxer, Dakota. We are a one income family, with me at home seeking ways to bring glory to God in the chaotic adjustment of having a new baby, cooking, cleaning, breastfeeding, cloth diapering (in an apartment with no washer and dryer), dog walking and sleep deprivation. Some days I forget to eat, comb my hair and brush my teeth. But I am enjoying every minute. Being a wife and a mom are God's most precious gifts to me. Some days I feel that I fall short in my roles, but His grace is so sufficient. I hope one day to "have it all together", but right now I'm settling with getting to take a shower everyday. This too shall pass all to quickly, and I don't want to miss out on all the little opportunities God has placed in my path to grow in patience, diligence and servant hood. It is so easy sometime to blame my husband for not understanding all that I have to do. But really God wants me to come to Him with my burdened heart that is all to often overwhelmed. Like David I must ask Him to lead me to the Rock that is higher than I, Psalm 61:2.